I find that as summer beats a hasty retreat from the boondocks of Maine it has taken my energy and free time with it. Last week, two very amazing writers, @2maraA and @battypip bestowed upon me two pretty cool awards. To say I was touched and honored would be an understatement. So I won’t say it. I’ll instead say I was VERY touched and honored that writers of their caliber would think me worthy of such awards. I will be doing a post on each separate award hopefully this weekend. So for now I give a very heartfelt, albeit belated, thank you post.
On another topic, I haven’t been happy with the way comments worked on this blog. So I checked around and decided to go with Intense Debate. I want a way to reply to individuals directly via threaded comments. So far, so good. I guess the acid test will be this Friday after another round of #fridayflash. Let me know what you think by leaving a comment. *gasp*
Oh yeah, as if I didn’t have enough going on right now, I’ve decided to participate in NaNo this year, so I’m frantically outlining now too. Till Friday!
Take care fellow flashers.
Hmmm, I wish there were more login options.